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Tips Jar: Temping to Boost Your Job Search

By Jeanine Hamilton

If you’re like most job seekers, your goal is to find a permanent, full-time position. To find this position, you might contact hiring organizations directly, tap into your network, or maybe even work with a recruiter. The idea of “temping” to find your job might not be on your radar, or might be something you are considering as a last resort. Many job seekers think temping only benefits employers, when actually it can benefit the candidate, too.What you don’t know about temping could be preventing you from landing your dream job.
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Book Bag: Sabotaging Your Success?

In her new book, In Her Power: Reclaiming Your Authentic Self, Author Helene Lerner says there the nine most common self-sabotaging behaviors that hold women back: thinking too small, worrying, misunderstanding yourself, dishonesty, holding back, not taking time for reflection, inhibiting desires, isolating and disempowering other women. “We have the power inside to be great,” Lerner tells Forbes, “but oftentimes it’s covered by false beliefs about ourselves.”

Job Search Tip: Act Like An Athlete

Career coach Bobbie LaPorte advises her clients to adapt the mindset and strategies of an athlete in order to manage successful careers. Discipline, self-awareness and resiliency all translate from winning on the field to excelling in the business world, she says. Here’s how to do it:

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Virtual Job Club Day 22: Like to Cold Call?


Today was supposed to be the last day of the virtual job club, but we’re adding one more. This is penultimate.

Our good friend Gretchen Gunn suggested today’s topic of how to cold call without getting the chills. She’s got the scoop to help you in the process. Press play to listen below.

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Virtual Job Club Day 21: Ace the Interview


Yesterday was a big success. You learned how to set yourself up for success before arriving at the interview and your questions in the comments section were great. (If you missed it, click here to listen.)

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Virtual Job Club Day 20: Prep for the Interview


If you’re hustling to implement all that we’ve been discussing, you’re sure to land interviews soon. (In fact, we’ve already heard so many great success stories. You’re next.)

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