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More Workers Face Pay Cuts


Instead of furloughs, which cropped up during the recession, more companies are now cutting employes salaries to save money, The New York Times reports.

Has Adversity Made You Stronger?


This recession has tested all of us—and there are plenty of tales of woe and sadness. But there are just as many success stories, instances where everyone from friends to strangers, neighborhoods to entire communities, have banded together to triumph over challenging times. For a continuing project that we have underway, Women For Hire is compiling these stories. What’s yours? Where exactly have found your resilience? What kind of solutions have you created at work to hold onto your job—from job sharing to a voluntary furlough and beyond? If you’re a manager or boss, tell us about the creative solutions that you put into place not only for the good of your company and bottom line, but for the people and their families who work for you. We’re looking for examples not just of how you or someone you know is coping, but specifically how you or they have actually implemented a solution. Share your story here.

Job Security? Take Nothing For Granted


It seems pretty obvious that Shirley Sherrod got a raw deal when she was pressured to resign this week from her top post at the Department of Agriculture. This, after edited remarks she made years ago led to allegations that she’s a racist.

Snap judgments. We’ve all made them at one time or another.

But if a top government official can lose her job because of a snap judgment, it’s anyone’s guess how many “ordinary” people in “regular” jobs suffer the same fate.

Sherrod’s story is a sad reminder that when it comes to jobs and careers these days, take nothing for granted.

At a time when employers are looking everywhere to cut costs, some decisions about who stays or goes are going to be made quickly – some might say in a snap – and not all the calls are fair or right.

So is the key for all of us is to walk a straight and narrow line—carefully thinking about everything we say and do—which may seem unrealistic at best, especially since decisions are often made on perception?

Surely there are smarter solutions, and we know you’ve got them. Tell us your tales of how a rush to judgment has impacted your career. Our online community is likely to have solutions and feedback to help.

Bristol Palin's Connection to YOUR Career


Last week on Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos asked Tina Brown for her reaction to the announcement of Bristol Palin’s engagement to Levi Johnston.

“Absolutely brilliant,” said Brown, editor of The Daily Beast website. It was, she claimed, a great ploy by Bristol’s mom, Sarah, to keep the Palin brand in the news.

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Dogs at Work?


Meet Franklin, the newest member of the Women For Hire team. Tory’s been bringing her beagle Marly to the office for months, and now he’ll have a new buddy, thanks to Alexandra, who just brought the 9 week old pug back from her native Michigan.

We can’t tell you how much energy and sheer fun these pups bring to our office. Instead of being a distraction, there’s a sense of fun and camaraderie that comes from having more best friends around us.

What’s your take on dogs at work?

Stress on the Job: The Recruiter's Perspective


Since nearly 70% of Americans say they’re stressed about work, I decided to tackle the topic on Good Morning America, where I’ve been the workplace contributor for five years.

To prep for today’s segment, I asked women to write to me about their experiences.

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