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Wal-Mart Shares Its Wealth


As anger and controversy continues about bonuses paid to executives at firms such as A.I.G. that took government bailout money, one that has not — Wal-Mart — has quietly handed some 1 million rank-and file-employees almost $1 billion. The $933.6 million in bonuses was an increase of 46.7% over last year. Wal-Mart, the country’s largest employer, saw its U.S. work force grow last year by about 33,800, to 1.45 million.
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Get Famous with HARO


Today marks the one-year anniversary of HARO, a free, three-times-a-day (I hate the word thrice) email service that empowers everyone to be their own publicist.
Peter Shankman started by sending simple emails to friends containing queries from reporters, authors, bloggers, producers and bookers–all of whom were looking for expert sources. It caught on; the service now reaches more than 70,000 people daily–some of whom learned about it from me.

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Should You Dumb Down Your Resume?


By Editorial Team | Updated on July 16 2023

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of job seekers asking, “Should I dumb down my resume?” As the digital job market becomes increasingly competitive, it’s important to understand why this question is gaining prominence and what it actually means to “dumb down” your resume.

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Could you imagine "blind" interviews?


Before blind auditions became common in the 70s, just 10% of new hires at major U.S. orchestras were women. The theory was that women weren’t very good musicians. But labor unions protested the hiring process and pushed for blind auditions where musicians would try out behind a curtain so appearance and gender were concealed.

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The moment I saw my Caller ID display the words, “Conference Room,” I knew my fate was inevitable. Only those of us who got the call would be shown the exit. “Your job has been eliminated,” my boss said.

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The Search


by Gregg Adams

Through the cobwebs weaved from too many glasses of cheap wine the night before, he opens his tired eyes and rises with the hope that today will be different from the last hundred. “My ability, experience and yearning desire to contribute will match somebody’s need today,” he says, desperately trying to believe his own testimony.

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