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Virtual Job Club Day 13: Brand Yourself for Unadvertised Openings


Great feedback from the calls this week — Emily Bennington on Tuesday on social media, and Dani Ticktin Koplik on Wednesday about the new realities in the business world that will impact your search. Click to listen to each of them if you missed the live call.

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Virtual Job Club Day 12: How Are You Helping Others?


I know, I know…you’re the one who needs the help, so who has time to devote to others? I get it. I also know that assisting others serves two huge purposes, both of which can be positively self-serving.

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Virtual Job Club Day 11: New Possibilities Await!


New Month. New Season. New Possibilities.

It’s a fresh start. Clean slate. Embrace it in a big way.

We have a big week ahead for you — four phenomenal guests who’ll guide you in a variety of ways. Mark your calendars for the 2PM ET calls as follows:

Tues, Sept. 6: Emily Bennington: You 2.0: Expand Your Reach and Find a Job using Social Media Marketing
Wed, Sept. 7: Dani Ticktin Koplik: The New Business Landscape: The Current Reality that Impacts YOUR Search
Thurs, Sept. 8: Deborah Shane: Get Out, Get Online and Get a Job NOT Posted!
Fri, Sept. 9: Krista Canfield: Maximize the Tools on LinkedIn to Secure a Position and Advance Your Career

Here is the recording from today’s 2 PM ET call with Emily Bennington: You 2.0: Expand Your Reach and Find a Job using Social Media Marketing. It’s about 20 minutes in length and you can listen to it anytime by pressing the play button below.

In the meantime, take a moment to tell us ONE THING below that’s essential for you to learn in the next two weeks and we’ll be sure to incorporate it in the sessions.

And while you’re posting a comment, tell us how you feel personally and professionally as we enter the fall season.


Virtual Job Club Day 10: Resume Revamp Part 2


We hear your frustrations — we feel your pain. Unless you’re being paid to do it, resume writing isn’t something that any of you want to bother with. Yet, we know it’s a necessary evil, so to speak. Instead of complaining, we’ll roll up our sleeves and get the doc in tip top shape.

So many of you dialed in yesterday for Part 1 of Resume Revamp (if you missed the call, you can hear the recording here) — and you’re now making necessary changes. Bravo!

Some of you told us that you’ve spent big bucks having your resume written, but you haven’t gotten a single interview. There’s a HUGE bridge between a great resume and landing an interview. The best paper in the world doesn’t guarantee a call. You have to market that resume and make yourself known. You have to take the right steps to get your resume noticed. We’ll cover that and more next week.

But first, you need a strong resume. So today we’ll tackle Part 2 with expert advice from Robin Schlinger. (Not only is she a pro at all resumes, she specializes in federal resumes.) If you have questions for Robin, post them here before 2PM ET and we’ll try our best to have them answered.

Press the play button below to listen to this 20 minute call on Resume Revamp Part 2.

Tell us, in general what is the hardest part of writing your resume? If you had to boil it down to one thing, what is it? That will help us to help you with solutions.

Finally, ENJOY THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND. Take time off to have some fun — and we’ll see you back here on Tuesday.

Be safe and enjoy!


Virtual Job Club Day 9: YOUR Resume!


How many times have you written, rewritten and fiddled with that darn document? Just when you think it’s perfect, you discover a way to make it stronger. Or, perhaps you rarely look at it because you know it doesn’t do justice to your career, but you’re at a loss for how to fix it.

The irony is that you definitely can’t rely on your resume to get a job, but good luck getting one if your resume’s not in tip top shape.

So what exactly does it take to ensure you’re not dismissed because a piece of paper indicates that you’re overqualified, underqualified or not qualified at all?

Help is here.

Press play to hear resume pro Violet Nikolici Lowrey will deliver Part One of our RESUME REVAMP series with solid specifics on making your resume work for you. This call is about 20 minutes in length and you can listen to it anytime.

In the meantime, tell us what grade you’d give your resume and what worries you the most about this document. In addition, post specific questions that you’d like addressed in both Part One and Part Two of the RESUME REVAMP series.


Virtual Job Club Day 8: Are YOU Relevant?


I know that jobsearching 24/7 for months (if not longer) is frustrating, exhausting and, quite frankly, unsustainable. Who can keep at anything every single day with no success — and be expected to continue with a smile on her face? It’s hard, if not impossible.

So today’s topic is relevance. How do you remain (or get) relevant when everything seems stacked against you?

Deborah Shane, a branding specialist, knows a thing or two about this since she’s had to reinvent her career — and has done so very successfully. Click play below to listen to Deborah as she talks about relevance and career branding on a 20 minute recorded call.

In the meantime, one of the best ways to stay relevant is to START SOMETHING. Anything. It could be a running club or a knitting group. Maybe it’s an initiative to raise money for a cause you care about. Don’t assume that nobody will care, don’t assume that it won’t help, don’t assume that it’s a waste of time.

If you were to start something in September — something you could proudly share in networking conversations, informational meetings and ultimately in interviews — what would excite you? What would have some relevance to the type of position you’re seeking…even from a distance?

Would love to hear your ideas below!