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Virtual Job Club

Welcome to HOW TO GET HIRED — our virtual job club. Every day until Sept 21, we’ll post an assignment for the day, excluding weekends when we hope you’ll recharge and have fun.

One word of caution: If you’ve been jobsearching for a while, you may be tempted to say, “I’ve already tried that and it doesn’t work.” We encourage you to suspend those thoughts and dive in with a fresh outlook. If you give every task your all, you’ll see results.

Bookmark this page and follow along here and at The Facebook page is the best place to ask questions when you’re looking for an answer.

Day 1: Monday, August 22

Day 2: Tuesday, August 23

Day 3: Wednesday, August 24

Day 4: Thursday, August 25

Day 5: Friday, August 26

Day 6: Monday, August 29

Day 7: Tuesday, August 30

Day 8: Wednesday, August 31

Day 9: Thursday, September 1

Day 10: Friday, September 2

Day 11: Tuesday, September 6

Day 12: Wednesday, September 7

Day 13: Thursday, September 8

Day 14: Friday, September 9

Day 15: Monday, September 12

Day 16: Tuesday, September 13

Day 17: Wednesday, September 14

Day 18: Thursday, September 15

Day 19: Friday, September 16

Day 20: Monday, September 19