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Virtual Job Club Day 3: Congrats for Coming Clean!

Editorial Team

Wow…the floodgates opened yesterday. If you missed the comments, you can see them here.

I’m so appreciative of your honesty and candor — it’s real and it’s raw and I get that. Fear is a huge theme running through the posts. Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success.

As my good friend Jess Weiner told the Spark & Hustle audience in LA, “Fear is a down payment on a debt you may not owe.” The things you fear may not warrant it.

For so many people, fear cripples their job search. Employers sense it, and friends and contacts do too. It will kill your job prospects. Acknowledge it, honor it by putting your thoughts on paper, and then get determined to control your life—instead of allowing that fear to control you.

Two bits of inspiration for you right now:

First, check out Harley-Davidson’s “We Don’t Do Fear” advertisement. Among the lines in the powerful message: “Over the last 105 years in the saddle, we’ve seen wars, conflicts, depression, recession, resistance and revolutions…every time this country has come out stronger than before…freedom and wind outlast hard times….If 105 years have proved one thing, it’s that fear sucks and it doesn’t last long.”

How much do you love this ad? Tell me you’re not fired up from that! In fact, please take a second and share with us exactly how you feel when reading — and soaking in — the words and message of this iconic ad by posting a comment below.

Second, listen to this 20 minute call with my friend Michelle Pippin for five specific strategies to overcome that fear so it no longer overtakes you.

Click the play button below:

Then Thursday we’re diving into the proactive strategies to move your search in the right direction.

Let’s ride!



  1. S

    The ad makes me feel that there IS something to be said for thinking positive and feeling the excitement of tackling a job search. Today I’m setting my mind on FEARLESS. I’m on vacation and preparing to logically and FEARLESSLY attack the job search on Monday!

  2. enj

    This reminds me of the something I heard a while ago that FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. My stance as of late is not to do away with fear because fear is healthy in certain circumstances and doses – but rather to push past fear and to use it to fuel my pursuit. Yes fear sucks and it doesn’t last long! That’s my favorite line in the add 🙂

  3. SB

    Great post Tory.

    Thank you for the link. It is very important to project positive energy, especially during interviews. And, to paraphrase, feel the fear and do it anyway! I believe it is possible and necessary to take a forward step in order to achieve your goals.

  4. Susan Kaye

    I will not be around at 2pm today for the phone call. Is there some way that you could put the the information from the call on line. So maybe I could read it.

  5. Rene

    I love that you used the Harley-Davidson ad as your inspiration for today. I learned how to ride a motorcycle at age 45, so it struck a chord with me. I’ve now ridden in 46 of the 50 United States. Fear of looking for a job and selling my talents is far greater than hopping on a motorcycle for the first time in your middle age! I don’t know whether to drop off my resume at the front desk off at every firm in town, fax it to the HR dept, or mail it. I’m not sure if my resume properly conveys my experience and skills. I’m still not sure if I even want the kind of job I had before. I know I’d like to get on my Harley and try to travel to those last 4 states, though. 🙂

  6. AHC

    Fear does suck and has lasted much too long and am so ready to get beyond it making me a stronger person.

  7. JE

    Yes, fear sucks. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change can all be paralyzing for some. And while I can logically understand that it doesn’t last forever, when you are hamstrung by fear, it certainly seems like it will last forever. Fear is probably the underlying cause of my poor interviewing skills, inadequate network and poor self-esteem. Unfortunately, for some of us, getting past the fear is much more easily said than done. If it were as simple as getting a Harley, I would have done it a long time ago. Unfortunately, I need a more concrete roadmap on how to overcome my fears than just hearing that fear doesn’t last.

  8. DBK

    This ad sort of reminded me of that even if you screw up at least you tried, and in the end you DID accomplish something. You got over the feeling of being fearful and you learned how to do it next time. “Screw it! Let’s ride!” yeaaaaaa

  9. M.J.

    I never considered “fear” as something not lasting since I have concentrated my thinking on it, ONLY. My brain needs some rewiring. Fear has been my crytal wall. 🙂

  10. Helen

    It’s a great ad for a true American product and I agree with its mesage. However, one thing that is being higlighted in this particular economic climate is that companies are becoming leaner and are holding on to their profits rather than hiring due to what they see as a number of unknown factors. It’s hard to remain upbeat and positive when this is the message.

  11. M.J.

    I do need,like JE, a more concrete map on how to brake that sence of fear because after so long, it becomes a second skin.

  12. HDR

    The concept that we come out stronger, after all the chaos, rings true with me. I beleive that we should dive in, head first, to attack the fear, and just go for it! Thanks for the inspiration, Tory!

  13. I’m not afraid of job hunting. I know that typing and especially research are my areas of expertise. I’m just frustrated that I can’t find anyone willing to hire someone who wants to work from home. I know there has to be someone out there. I just don’t know how to go about finding them.

  14. I.M.

    A long time ago I heard the saying “Tough times don’t last, tough people do” and since then I adopted it as one of my slogans. Fear is paralyzing and anytime that we allow it to overcome us we defeat ourselves. My prayer every day is that fear will not become part of my life that day.
    With God’s help my outlook is positive and only that way I can help others.

  15. Kathy

    It’s an ad! Clever people designed it, making use of current political & economic tensions & crises. This is “Social engineering! Please.

  16. BLM

    Vroom vroom! Can definitely feel the positivity this ad has introduced to our group. Great choice Tory!

  17. Mary

    I love this ad and really feel the message; somehow just knowing it’s nothing new does make it easier to move on. I am a big fan of Harley Davidson back to my Wisconsin days they really do rock! I’m much stronger from several of the things I’ve survived, and I know that this too will pass. I will listen to the download after you post it tonight. Thanks again Tory, for all that you do!

  18. BJ

    Fabulous ad! Whenever I see a Harley rider I automatically think “wow how free is he/she?” This ad speaks to the same…without fear holdings me back I am free to be/to say/to do whatever I choose…I for one am grateful for the reminder this ad gives me.
    Thank you for posting it. I printing it out and posting it to remind me what it is I’m after.

    BTW Ladies, thank you for your posts/comments-you are the network/support group I certainly needed to connect with-the energy and power being created is here is amazing!

  19. JB

    I loved the whole message, I think my favorite part of this ad is at the end, “So screw it, let’s ride”. That part just gets me thinking that no matter what happens, try to make the best out of life. It’s too short to not reach for the stars, dream too big, or be anything, but happy. You won’t always remember the interview that didn’t stick, or that side job that was just a “learning experience” if you find something you truly love doing. Well done Harley Davidson!

    On another note, I look forward to hearing the recorded phone call later on because I will be unable to dial in.

  20. AMD

    Yes, this also goes with the saying grab the bull by the horns and go for it. As women we have many hats that we wear and sometimes fear creeps in and we do not take time to over come it. We have to seek help to overcome the fear to be successful. Unfortunatley, I will not be around for the conference call. I have a phone interview at that time; I hope it will be a good one.

  21. RK

    WE DON’T DO FEAR. That’s perfect. Hopefully it will inspire me as I have to make cold calls today.

  22. Hope Stern

    WOW, powerful….it does put you in a different mindset doesnt it.
    I love the overall message. Screw it, fear and bad things and annoyances are here to stay…ride through it….keep on keeping on! It is WHAT you make of it all. Whole reason for living is how you “ride”…..

    Very positive…I like to think that I continue to ride with a smile on my face, despite the fact that a few bugs may get caught there!


  23. Clair

    I’m on my way to get leather chaps, perhaps a tatoo!

  24. Carmen

    I love this message from Harley-Davidson! Fear does suck, but we can get over it and move on and conquer fear! And you have inspired me to do just that with this message!!! Thank you!!!

  25. GA

    Great Ad!!! Has me fired up and ready to start off my day on the right foot!! Thanks Tory!

  26. PK

    I loved the ad and think my new mantra will be “I don’t do fear!” So by taking that into consideration, I say “Screw it, just do it!” because you’ll never know until you attempt something. Now, it’s time to hit the road running.

  27. APF

    NO MORE FEAR! The only way I can beat mine back everyday is by facing down the thing that scares me. I joined a boot camp in May, facing down my fear of being the biggest, slowest, oldest person there. Turns out that I wasn’t any of those things. Just showing up for that first day of class and every day since has given me a huge feeling of power over my fear.

    Today I’ll crank up the Foo Fighters and apply this inspiration to the job search! Look out Portland, I’m going to work!

  28. tm

    it makes me wanna hop on a motorcycle let the wind blow in my hair and tackle the job search

  29. PL

    I loved Jess Weiner’s comment – so true! The HD ad is great……also true, VERY true. Nice to be reminded that we will prevail — always have, always will! If this country can pull itself of the muck then I sure as hell can handle my little employment problem in perspective. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder Tory.

  30. DAS

    I think fear is the one thing we all have that in some ways gives us our individuality. That said, I think letting go of fear sometime is harder just because of that. Like they say you dont know unless you try but if you’ve tried and failed, you have fear! There are different levels of fear and if you can chip away at it, you will soon realize that it was just the unknown that we all feared.

  31. Debbie G.

    This ad makes me want to find (create) more situations to say “Hell Yes!” Nothing lasts forever and I can make it through anything (news flash: I’ve been doing it my whole life already.) It makes me grateful that I am alive and fully capable of doing more with my life. To me, the ad also feels like it puts everyone on an equal playing field. Oh, and it makes me want to move fast with the wind blowing in my hair (literally.) Thanks – and thanks for the call.
    – Deb

  32. AB

    I have had so many rejections that instead of making me fear the next step, they have made me stronger. I do not fear. The ad is wonderful and makes you reflect on what you can do as a human being and how you can use the strengths you have.

  33. MH

    It’s motivational, makes me want to kick butt with the job search. It also says to me that fear can be used as an advantage to be inspired to move forward. I know once I start braving it and taking action, the fear does eventually dissipate.

  34. LS

    great lecture today on letting go of fear: very impactful. I got a lot out of it: thanks Tory.


  35. KE

    I can’t be afraid. Also, the people close to me can’t be afraid either.

  36. CR

    Yes, fear sucks and no it doesn’t last long. Honestly, fear is so overrated and such a buzz kill for me! Some days I see it coming and I roll my eyes and think “Geez, not YOU again!” I agree with the ad, which is so appropriate right now, things happen. Economies suck and get better. Jobs come and go. All I can do is control me and how I react/respond to it. And today, I got myself out of my pajamas, left the house, and stuttin’ a new attitude, honey! Enoughs enough. I am so better than fear, laziness, and allowing ME to get in my own way of success and getting a job that I want. It’s a brand new day…

  37. REK

    Great marketing approach to Harley’s target niche. (The “screw it let’s ride” demographic?) Actually, that particular part of the message resonates strongly with me, but I don’t know if that’s due to the inspiration in it or the implied opportunity to chuck all my responsibilities into the wind and take off for parts unknown. Anyway, I am not sure that fear is ALWAYS the enemy. A little healthy fear can sharpen your mind. The trick (one I admit I haven’t always mastered!) is to face your fear and power through it. (Kudos to APF and her boot camp achievement!)

  38. I.S.

    You are right……fear has been holding me back and I say No More!! I am ready to move on with the next chapter in my life!! Thanks for these encouraging words!!

  39. Susan

    Thanks for day three, it is a positive thing to recognize the fear in order to move past it. I also think about the NIKE ad of “just do it!.” It is another one that says get over the fear and move on. I too was unable to tune in today at 2pm and look forward to the post.

  40. PSP

    Thank you for choosing to make this call part of this journey. Acknowledging fear of not being enough is major and having practical steps to move past that fear is necessary for me. Thank you all for being so honest and open. So good to know that I am not alone or crazy. 🙂

  41. MMP

    The ad reminds me that every time I broke through a fear, I felt GREAT!! Let’s go find some fearsome situations to overcome!

  42. MM

    For me I do not think its fear anymore, I think its more confidence in all the work that I did for the company I worked for. Expressing myself is a downfall to me and I am trying to improve that. Each day I am trying to find from within me to explain to a potential employer what I want to do compared to what actually that want from me. To some this comes easy but its a struggle for me to try to overcome.

  43. Barbara Cann

    It reminds me of something I knew long ago and seem to have buried away from my everyday life the last several years. The only way to break free of ennui is to move, someway, somehow. I think it’s true of all the fears as well — to break through, to destroy that fearful thinking you have to get off your a**, get out of your head, and MOVE.

  44. DWS

    I loved the ad, one of my favorites! Fear is bad & increases stress levels, too! You need to constantly work on your self image to overcome all our fears & to help reduce our stresses as much as possible. Don’t let fear rob your dream job!

  45. TH

    I absolutely love how every challenge in this ad was transformed into an opportunity. I needed that frame of reference, and the call reinforced the fact that I need to get out of my own head. Thanks for the motivation!

  46. Hope

    Great ad! I know in my gut, that my fear is unwarranted. Learning to let go..let go…of doubts and fear. This forum has been a great boost….even on Day 3!!!

    Maybe I’ll sell Harleys! Lol…

    Missed the call today for a good reason…out networking/volunteering. Great experiance, getting my hands wet doing what I love again.

    Looking forward to the recorded call, and tomorrows challenge.


  47. MT

    Great ad it gives a lot of inspiration, we can over come our fears, by hanging on to our fears we have allowed fear to control us, the fear of rejection can be very daunting. Sometimes we just gotta throw caution to the wind and just believe we can do it because we can we have survived many obstacles this is just another hurdled we will all get through it!

  48. Alison

    What an amazing ad! It’s funny as I read this and then listened to the call, I remember all the fear that struck people with the August 2nd deadline. It was everywhere you looked and honestly I couldn’t get away from it. However, I knew the problem would be “solved” – I never thought it wouldn’t. I knew that whatever our government decided, right or wrong, they wouldn’t default. It was a game of chicken. The only question was would they deliver a long or short term solution. Time will tell on that.

    I have let fear overtake my parts of my life. I’ve let it ruin days where in some, if not most, cases it was not even just. I set myself up decently for if things did not work out in a job. I needed and still need my above thoughts for my job situation. I may not be in the job I want and it barely pays the bills, but I still have a safety net. It set back my plans, but I will come back stronger. Fear sucks and I need to ride on.

  49. JP

    I just think fear and failure is just part of the big picture. Thinking positive is great, but things can happen to change that, then what?

  50. Dawn

    Look, at the end of the day, I am not afraid! I want to get out there and find a job! Not only a job…I want a career!

    A few months ago, I had the opportunity to hear an executive at Harley Davidson speak about customer service. He was absolutely phenomenal – he talked about the element of “surprise and delight”. Don’t just offer good service – do something out of the ordinary.

    I am ready to surprise and delight a new employer and myself. I am ready for a challenge that is out of the ordinary for me. The HD brand is GOOD!!!

  51. NJ

    This ad, especially the last few lines, remind me of some advice someone offered to me recently. A brief period of discomfort is better than a lifetime of regret and fear. I think in my current job search the brief period of discomfort could be the actual search or components of it — reaching out to new network contacts, following up with prospective employers, etc. I’m ready for whatever tomorrow brings and can’t wait to see what I can make happen!

  52. BH

    A powerful ad, a powerful message. We can’t let fear stop us from getting on with it…from living life or going after the things we want. Now, I’m off to listen to the Michelle Pippin’s strategies. Thanks, Tory!

  53. terri

    I love the ad and the phone call helped me alot. I have alot of fear in my life and I think that also makes it harded for me to land the job. I am looking forward to working through this with the assignments

  54. Dawn

    Think about how powerful the Harley message is fear sucks – screw it! Keeping this in mind when in an interview has kept my confidence up. Love it. Thank you so much for posting here to remind us.

  55. KC

    The message is very inspiring. It says to me despite any major obstacle is faced, we ALWAYS overcome and it relation to my job search all I can say This too shall pass.

  56. JKP

    That call was very motivational. I especially like the idea of just continuing “movement” every day. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine those “baby steps” doing any good. But the truth is, without them you get nowhere.

  57. lbr

    I fear beginning…I procrastinate…where do I start, what should I be instead of tackling a small step, I avoid it. The “Fear Talk” made me realize in more detail why I fear and what only I can do about removing that fear. I once trained professionals at General Motors. In one class, we used the film, “You Pack Your Own Chute.” This was a film explaining why we hold ourselves back from doing what we really want to do because of fear. Eden Ryl presented an excellent explanation of the two types of fear; unrealistic and realistic. As I tackle the job search, I am reminded that I harbor unrealistic fear…I need to simply remove the doubt that I have that I will be rejected, and look at what I can offer a company. I need to do a genuine assessment of who I am, what I have to offer. I also need to research on the company to determine if there is a match with what I do and with what they need. Thank you for the refresher by Ms.M.Pippin.

  58. ST

    That ad was so motivational. It’s something that I need to incorporate into my work and personal life. The strategies from the call to deal with fear. Fear is my weakness that I do not want to continue to take control of my life. I want to take my life back.

    Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

    Lets Dance!

  59. Mary Ann

    Hi, constructive steps to chip away at the fear game. It is really a game……we play with ourselves. Writing it down as she says….makes us confront them up front. Thank you…great points.

    True…I think fear is also a self-centered focus. And saying what we offer them and what they stand to gain…brillant simple steps. Thanks.

  60. DT

    Thanks Michelle. I really enjoyed the presentation on “FEAR”.

  61. wendy

    This is making me think about the decision I just made. I think it was Fear based and now the opportunity has passed so I will never have it again.

  62. Michelle’s 5 strategies really helped me focus and alleviated some of the anxiety.
    Thanks Michelle!

  63. D.A.

    I think we have all been there. Been scared and felt like the situation you are in was like a living nightmare that would never end. You feel scared and unsure of things. But you end up coming through it still standing and stronger than before. I feel like I can definitely relate this to life situations.

  64. Bianca

    Hi Tory and all,

    Sorry for the delay reply. Try to catch up the pass two days. I always love to look at all Harley Davidson bikes. They are so beautiful. Amazing that they remain their believe over 105 years and still keep going just like their products.

    FEAR harms our mentally and physically. We should not let FEAR to stop us any more. We all can create our own miracles!

    Cheers and let’s have a ride together!

  65. MJD

    Fear-wow this is a tough feeling to get over or make it work for you. This call was a big help.

  66. WR

    fear dose suck, it is the only feeling that can immobilize you.

  67. AG

    This ad just help to re-assure that don’t let fear stop you. It may be a stumbling block that can be moved out the way with a different strategy!

  68. Judi

    “Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.” H. Granger (HP 2) Pretty wise sentiment for a fictional charachter in a popular childrens’ book.

  69. KJ

    Empowering. Interesting topic for a book?? 🙂 Fear! We all have it…from young to old…what makes us take the first step…for me, trust. When Peter stepped out of the boat…he kept his eyes on Jesus…don’t look down…keep your eye on your goal…

  70. Wow, this message was an eye opener. I’ve allowed my fears o cripple for many years and I’m trying to overcome these obstacles.

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