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Budding Entrepreneur? Keep Your Day Job!


In the not-so-distant past, would-be entrepreneurs who wanted to start their own business would quit their day jobs and devote all their time and energy to their new gig. But with jobs scarce, more of these folks are keeping their full-time jobs while nurturing their new business during off hours. “It wasn’t an option for me to quit my job. I have a mortgage,” one woman who is starting a brewery tells Chicago Business in this article.

The Pantsuit: Here to Stay or Time to Go?


Almost 50 years have passed since the pantsuit first appeared as a symbol of female emancipation, The New York Times reports here.

And almost 30 years have passed since women in the 1980s finally stood padded shoulder to shoulder with men in the workplace.

But after a decade of post-feminism — all girly dresses and shoes not made for walking — designers are taking a serious look at appropriate dressing for a working woman.

Money Can Equal Happiness

The Beatles sang that money can’t buy love, but turns out that it may buy happiness.  Researchers at the National Academy of Sciences have found that our emotional well-being—happiness—increases along with income up to about $75,000, according to one report.

For folks making less than that, says economist Angus Deaton, “Stuff is so in your face it’s hard to be happy.  It interferes with your enjoyment.”  Happiness got better as income rose but the effect leveled out at $75,000.  But their overall sense of success or well-being continued to rise as earnings grew beyond that point.  “Giving people more income beyond 75K is not going to do much for their daily mood, but it is going to make them feel they have a better life,” Deaton says.

Fun at 40?


September is always an exciting time, but this year it’s an especially BIG month for me.

My kids start school tomorrow. Our 12th fall season of Women For Hire career expos kicks off in a few weeks. And I’m turning 40 next week. FORTY!

My 30s were great. I grew this company, which I started at an Ikea desk in my bedroom, into a multi-million dollar business. Women For Hire has a national presence on the career field and we’ve helped thousands of women launch and advance their careers.

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Time For Companies to Spend?

U.S. corporations are sitting on more than $1 trillion in cash, more than the government is spending on its massive 2009 federal stimulus package. But experts say that the key to any economic recovery — and of consumers’ efforts to climb out of debt — revolves around when companies will feel confident enough to open their wallets and hire more people, or give current employees a raise. Experts say the economy won’t really improve until employers — with about $1 trillion in cash reserves — begin spending that money and start hiring more workers. “They’re in such good shape, we think the country will avoid a double-dip recession,” says Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s “But it doesn’t guarantee that companies will step up to the plate.” USA TODAY

We're Hiring


Women For Hire has a rare opening for two marketing interns in our New York City office – with the possibility of a fulltime position after three months. (Our Alexandra Hall, a 2009 University of Michigan grad, did just that. Came in as an intern, impressed us – and vice versa, so we created a fulltime marketing analyst role for her.) This is a hands-on, hit-the-ground running internship – perfect for someone who seeks a challenging and rewarding entry-level marketing position and is hungry to learn from our dynamo CEO.

Our marketing team is always busy – working with colleges and professional associations to promote our signature career expos; securing dynamic speakers and partners for all of our events; handling technical stuff such as writing, formatting and scheduling email blasts; answering reader emails; updating content on, and more.  Special projects crop up all the time, too.

Social media savvy is a must since it plays heavily in promoting our exciting coast-to-coast slate of  retreats for women entrepreneurs in 2011. (Pack your bag!).  Comfort and familiarity with Office Suite, Photoshop and Dreamweaver is important.

Successful candidates must thrive among what we often call organized chaos, while juggling projects and expecting the unexpected. (Sorry, wallflowers or easily-flustered types need not apply. Ditto for anyone who might not feel comfortable working in our comfortable but small, open office on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. No cubicles or places to hide! We’re all in it together, which, most days is awfully fun.)

We’ll fill these spots immediately, so here’s how to apply:

First, do a quick Google search to learn who we were and what we do.  Then send your resume along with a letter explaining how and why you’re an ideal fit based on our needs. Include your start date availability.  (Generic responses are never considered, especially given the volume of applications.) Email to [email protected].  (Hint: talk to us on social media too to convey your interest.)