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Dallas Career Expo – November 2, 2010

→ Tell us if you are planning to attend

Sheraton Dallas Hotel
400 N. Olive Street
Dallas, TX 75201

Important Details

  • Free Admission
  • Register On-Site
  • Resumes Required for Admittance
  • Business Attire Required
As a reminder, you are responsible for your parking fees, if any.

Included in this free four-hour event

*Power Seminars: Top tips and tricks on acing a challenging job search
*Mentor Match: Candid advice from another professional in the trenches
*Perfect Pitch: Nail your quick intro to wow everyone you meet
*Resume Reviews: Instant feedback on this all-important document
*Engaging Employers: Access to the people who’ll get you in the door
*Exceptional Connections: Phenomenal talent to trade ideas and leads

Have Coffee with us

Register for the Early Morning Seminar

Is your job search stalled? Have you been thinking about starting your own business but aren’t sure what steps to take? Sign up now for Women For Hire  popular early morning seminar. Good Morning America’s workplace contributors share the latest job search trends – and talks about what you can do to become an entrepreneur.

Jump start your success by registering for this special session. Reserve your place now by clicking on your city.
Space is limited. Register Now

Sponsored By:

Take Part in our Mentor Match Program Sponsored by Walmart

On Tuesday, November 2, all career expo attendees are invited to benefit from a complimentary, one-on-one “speed mentoring” session with accomplished professionals from a range of leading employers. This is your chance to ask questions about balancing work and family, figuring out how to switch careers, and finding the Aha! moment in your job search and career advancement. Ask anything you want during your mini-mentor session! It’s another FREE benefit of attending the Dallas Career Expo. (No pre-registration necessary.)

Is Entrepreneurship Right for You?

Featuring SPECIAL GUEST: Small Business Coach Michelle Pippin

“Replace Your Current (or Previous) Income: Where to Start, What to Do, and Why You Must Start Now!” Join us for a special session during the Women For Hire Career Expo. This is a candid conversation about starting and growing YOUR small business — to turn your passion to profit. Throughout the event, Michelle will tackle your toughest small business challenges.

Benefit from our Perfect Pitch Program

In this session you’ll work with coaches to master that all-important one sentence to sell yourself.

Whether you’re a seasoned executive, a recent college grad or an entrepreneur, we all must know how to introduce ourselves in a way that’s clear, concise and compelling. Yet most people don’t have that opening sentence down.

This session will help change that and leave you feeling empowered and confident. Get the boost you need!

BONUS: Free Seminar for EXPERTS Only!

After self-publishing, investing heavily in SEO, hiring PR firms and agents,  and networking feverishly, so many experts aren’t seeing the results they need. Their earned income is painfully distant from what their true experience suggests they should be bringing in.

If that sounds familiar to you, please join small business coach Michelle Pippin for a free workshop in DALLAS on November 2nd at 2:30 PM…just for this EXPERT market. It’ll take place in a private room immediately following the Women For Hire career expo, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm.

In this down and dirty, no holds-barred workshop, we’ll uncover exactly what experts, coaches and speakers need to do to increase their earnings in a way that honors their expertise, builds their brand, and increases their reach.

No charge to attend, and private coaching with Michelle will be given to each person who attends this hour-long session. Space is strictly limited – please RSVP to [email protected] to confirm your spot.

Participating Exhibitors

This is a partial list of the participating exhibitors. This list is updated regularly, so please check back each week. Click on the name to view a profile.

American Airlines
Austin Fire Department
Bell Helicopter
Capital One
Drug Enforcement Administration
HomeTeam Pest Defense
Internal Revenue Service
Jockey Person to Person
Lennox International
Mary Kay
Miche Bag
Michelin – Tire Centers
New York Life
Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Southern Methodist University
Stella & Dot
Sterling Jewelers, DBA Kay Jewelers and Jared the Galleria of Jewelry
Stewart Enterprises
Tom Thumb Food Markets
Transportation Security Administration
U.S. Customs & Border Protection
U.S. Department of State/Diplomatic Security
U.S. Secret Service
Verizon Wireless

Planning to attend this event?

Sign up for this special e-blast to receive up-to-the-minute details on this particular event. We will alert you to exclusive drawings, advice on connecting effectively with the participating employers, and tips for having success at this career expo. (Note: Even if you’re already registered for our national enewsletter, you should sign up for this event-specific email.)

Event Sponsors: