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Staying Cool in Tough Times

Psychiatrist Judith Orloff is an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA. Her new book, Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Harmony Books, 2009, $24.95), is a guidebook to remaining positive, calm, and brave in tumultuous economic times. Women For Hire talked to her.

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Working From Home: No Joke


By Jennifer Zach

Working from home has often been the object of misplaced humor.

How else to explain teasing comments about us who do it eating bonbons all day in our bunny slippers?
Or the assumption that we are not really working – which is why we must have loads of free time to do someone else’s errands?

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Why Loyalty Matters


Lerzan Aksoy, a marketing professor at Fordham University, co-wrote Why Loyalty Matters (Benbella Books) with Timothy Keiningham. The authors argue that when it comes to business success, satisfaction in our relationships and even overall happiness, loyalty is essential. Women For Hire asked Aksoy Five Questions.

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Sonia Sotomayor : You Go Girl!


By Katherine Louise

Regardless of how you stand on various political and social issues, you’ve got to admire Sonia Sotomayor, the jobseeker.

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Flex-time: Time to Go?


Before the recession hit, flex-work arrangements had emerged as one of the ways employers kept their best employees from eying greener pastures.
As a result, an increasing number of employees telecommuted a few days a week; others packed a five-day week into four 10-hour days; and still others worked part-time.
But as the nation’s economic woes have deepened, flex-timers are now wondering if they’re targets for layoffs. reports they fear that out of sight means out of mind—and out of a job.
Which raises a question: with many companies struggling for survival, is it time to put flex-time on hold or out to pasture?
Or are such deals needed now, more than ever, especially as workers have to row harder and harder, often while juggling mounting personal and professional pressure? Let us know.

Missing My Old Job


I dreamt about this moment — not having to go to an office everyday — for such a long time. Years, literally. Being able to wake up, turn on the laptop, crank out articles, blogs, book proposals, you name it. To finally call myself a full-time writer without the distraction of a day would be pure bliss.
What I didn’t realize, however, was working from home has its disadvantages, too, even as I’m branding my media stance and consulting on juicy projects.

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