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Celebrating Home

Experience the American dream with Celebrating Home. We believe you deserve it!

We believe you deserve the freedom to be your own boss, to earn unlimited income, and to have flexibility for family. And we believe dreams are meant to be stress free. With your home-based business have no fear of lay-offs or job loss.

Need an instant stimulus package? As a Celebrating Home Designer you decide how much money you earn each month. Earn full-time pay for part-time hours plus great rewards including all-expense paid vacations!

Ready to earn $25 an hour or more? Simply share our beautiful and sought-after decorating and entertaining products with others. Earn 30-49% profit on personal sales, starting with your first dollar sold!

Receive everything you need to begin your fun, easy and rewarding career and lifestyle having Parties for a living. We’ll support you every step of the way and you’re free to do it your way! Because that’s the American way! The Celebrating Home way!

Art/Framing, Candles/Candle Accessories, Cookware, Holiday Decorations, Home Accessories/Décor, Tableware
