Share Your Best Tip for Using Social Media to Get Hired
We’re looking for your best advice—and specific success stories—on how you’re using social media in your job search. Which sites do you use—and what exactly are you doing to advance your job search online? Did you get connected to your current employer through an online social network? Let us know what’s working and why and you may be featured in an upcoming national TV segment.
Post your comments and tips here.
I recently applied for a job which I only found on LinkedIn. This is proof that recruiters are using social networking sites to search for job applicants. So far I had one interview with the company. I may participate in more if they feel I fit their culture. I am currently actively using LinkedIn and Twitter to advance my job search. I am actively participating in group discussions related to my field of interest. I am also providing answers to general questions located under more on the LinkedIn web site. I heard this is a good way to become noticed and posting questions related to your field in this spot is another way to become noticed in your field. Updating your status at least once a day on LinkedIn and Twitter is another way to become noticed and keep others in your network informed of what you are doing.
I work for a job posting site and we are always telling people to check out the social media sites – including LinkedIn. We are also working to connect all of our sites to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. It is hard for job seekers to understand this as they feel that their sites are “private” and do not understand that the Internet is Public. So yes, these are great sites to use to find a job as well as sites that employers use to check out job seekers. We stress all of the time, to job seekers, that they need to make sure that their social media sites are something that they would want a hiring company to view!
I work as a social recruiter, and I would like to let you know how important it is, nowadays, use the social networks to find the proper job.
Think about the emergence of social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. These sites offer more information and insight in a public arena than has ever been available before and, if you use them cleverly; they can be an essential resource in helping to find your perfect job.
According to a research from recruiting platform, Jobvite, nearly 75% of companies surveyed look for their candidates through social networks, and 58.1% have successfully hired a candidate.
Here you can find more content about how to use Social Networks.
Seeking professional sales/marketing experience. Would like some suggestions as to how to best network, best websites, etc
elizabeth A Freer
Just one Tip?? Every unemployed person or anyone looking for a career transition needs to be using the various social media sites. Why? Because that is where recruiters look first.
The biggest tip, I can provide is that the candidate not only needs to research the company but the individuals within that company (look at there progression), you now as a candidate have an opportunity to see if that company matches your interest opposed to just the company seeing if you match there interest.
And when you see an opportunity, dont just jump on it, MESSAGE SOMEONE, now companies/recruiters/HM’s cant hide behind the voicemail, they have a social obligation to respond back to you and if they dont, well thats just not good for their employment brand.
P.S. Can you mention on your program the need for diversity on these recruiting sites, we need to get the word out there that Linkedin is not just for white collered positions, I think it should be standard that all should have an online resume, why.? Because I want to hire you.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
I promote Opportunity
Travis -
I’m a career coach who specializes in helping people use social media to find jobs. I insist that all my clients get (and use) a LinkedIn profile — it’s the absolute best way to get your name known, make contacts in your field, and learn about those “hidden” jobs. Many people set up a LI profile, join a group or 2, and then stop — and wonder why it isn’t working. You need to be on LI daily, interacting with people, contributing to discussions and making contacts. It doesn’t take much time, either — in 10 focused minutes a day you can get a lot done. Using the LI “answers” section is another good place to interact with people, meet new contacts, and show off your expertise. Although I do recommend getting known on Facebook and Twitter as well as LI for a more rounded job search, if you have to only pick one site to be on, then LI is it.
I currently got my job as a social media manager through networking. What I have learned while working with social media and networking sites is that it is crucial to know how to build and manage your brands image and social media presence. This goes for company or organizations brands or just branding yourself. You need to make sure that all across the internet you are presenting yourself in a professional manner. You don’t want potential hiring managers finding out you are “Hotmama27” on twitter or that you have inappropriate pictures of yourself from the party you got drunk at that one night on facebook. You have to learn how to connect to a community outside of your world. Get involved in what is happening around you. Join social networking blogs and potential employers through social networking sites such as facebook and LinkedIn. You need to learn to build, establish, maintain, connect, and growing your business and your ideal market. What we do in 360 Social Media Solutions ( is just that help businesses better market their products through social media outlets so that they can in turn hire more potential employees and both strive financially.