The Heat is On: Don’t Let the Summer Sun Melt Your Career Search
School’s out, the sun is shining, and your career search is, well… did we mention the sun is shining?
It’s easy to get caught up in the lazy days of summer, but this is the prime time for you to really step up and stand out. With less competition during the slower summer months, you’ll have greater odds of grasping that employer’s attention. So while everyone else is relaxing by the pool, you should be running toward your goal. Here are some tips on how to keep your career search cool in the summer heat:
1. Network. LinkedIn and BranchOut are great ways to put your professional self in the public eye. Do you have a former coworker or employer who can write a great recommendation for you? Can you write a great recommendation for someone else? Professional networking sites are about quality, not quantity.
2. Follow up. You might be wondering why you’ve sent your resume to 20, 50, maybe even 100 employers and you haven’t heard back. Are you following up? In a world where we rely so much on email and social media to connect, a simple phone call can be a breath of fresh air. And in the slower summer months, you’re more likely to connect with that recruiter you’ve been trying to reach since April.
3. Know your stuff. Rather than blindly emailing companies for any position, first take some time to research that company. Read through their website. What exactly do they do? When were they established? What are their core values? A recruiter that knows you’re not looking for any old job but that you specifically want to work for their company will be more receptive to you and you’ll stand out.
4. Be confident. Finding a new career, whether you’re unemployed or employed and in need of a change, can be tedious and frustrating. Don’t get discouraged. Rather, keep in mind that all you need is that ONE offer and that each ‘no’ is a stepping stone toward ‘YES.’ If you’re moving, you’re already on the right track, and the summer sun is shining at the end of it.
5. Recharge. The summer is a great time to jump when your competition’s taking a break, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore your need for ‘you’ time. Treat yourself to a little fun in the sun—you deserve it! The balance you’ll achieve from some summer relaxation will give you the confidence and drive you need to make it happen.