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The Power of Women


Only one lesson matters in the ousting of Bill O’Reilly, which follows the firing of his former boss Roger Ailes, the man who built Fox News: women have a voice. A mighty voice.

Gretchen Carlson had the courage to speak up with her allegations of sexual harassment against her old boss. By refusing to suffer in silence, Gretchen paved the way for other women to come out of hiding with their experiences, too. That led to firings, settlements and a federal investigation of Fox News.

While it’s often scary to speak out against powerful people, especially when they exert control over your career or your paycheck, it’s sometimes more beneficial — albeit difficult — than allowing improper behavior to flourish at the expense of the innocent.

Women have so much power, a lot of which is untapped, so are we so scared? What do we fear — and why do we have so much fear — when we possess this enormous power?

How do we tap that reserve and start putting our clout to work? That’s the question we want to ask — and act on — as we reflect on the mess that’s unfolded at Fox.


  1. Avis A Getting

    Women want to be treated equal? Then quit acting like a prim proper sissy. Women look at men and make snide comments. Guys don’t make a federal case out of it.They roll with it, ignore

  2. Jan

    I have been fortunate not to have to deal with it.There were times when it came close to border line, but I ignored it. I had no more incidents.
    If you are a victim, the time to speak is right then!No one is worth your peace of mind and safety at your work place.. You deserve to be there without harassment like everybody else.

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