Bill Morris
Formula for Success is a motivational resource consisting of six DVDs that provide answers, solutions and guidance for teens struggling with every day issues, such as achieving better grades, personal relationships and fitness.
The program also provides a clear outline to help teens identify and achieve their goals. The new motivational tool has just been issued by Success For Teens, a California-based organization focusing on teen communication and behavior.
Time Management
Goal Setting
Dealing with Setbacks
Creating a Positive Mental Attitude
Getting Fit
Giving Back
Formula for Success was developed by Bill Morris, a former Wall Street executive who spent the last 16 years conducting motivational seminars for teens. Morris knows something about focus – he set a world record in fitness by doing 20,100 consecutive sit-ups in a fund raising effort to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
The six DVDs in the program center on the following topics: Time Management, Goal Setting, Dealing with Setbacks, Creating a Positive Mental Attitude, Getting Fit, and Giving Back.
Rave Reviews
“There are tons of motivational products aimed at adults, but I have never encountered one aimed specifically at teens — one that really speaks to them at their level,” said Bill Morris, founder of Success for Teens. “These DVDs lay out a simple but methodical formula through which teens can achieve their goals –be they better social relationships, moving from a C to a B in history class or even performing better in sports,” he added.
His motivational seminars have been conducted at institutions ranging from West Point and Stanford University to obese camps, halfway homes and drug rehab centers, foster homes and high schools. “No matter what group of kids I speak to, 99% want to know how and what it takes to be successful”, said Morris.