Author: Use Your Natural Strengths to Your Advantage
Six million jobs have been lost. Unemployment is at a 25-year high. More than 14 million people are out of work. If you’re not trying to find a job you’re probably trying to keep one.
Good news? If you’re a woman, you have distinct, hardwired advantages over your male counterparts and competitors, says Catherine Kaputa, author of The Female Brand: Using the Female Mindset to Succeed in Business (Davies-Black). “Women are naturally ‘wired’ for career success, says Kaputa, a personal branding expert.
Drawing on brain research and gender studies, Kaputa debunks old and misguided workplace myths — women must think and act like men to succeed, for one — and shows women how to leverage their innately female strengths in today’s recession and beyond:
1. Tune in emotionally. Women are especially intuitive and empathetic, thanks in part to higher level of hormones such as estrogen and oxytocin. Kaputa’s advice: Use these emotionally driven strengths to be open and responsive to others’ feelings and build strong and healthy work relationships.
2. Create an attractive package. Attractive people not only make more money, but are viewed as being smarter and more competent than others.
Women possess an advantage here, too, having naturally better instincts, as well as more “visual aids” to work with than men do. Kaputa’s advice: Accentuate your best features, and develop a distinct look with a signature color, accessories, shoes, or whatever fits your style and personality.
3. Reach out. The larger your network, the more career capital you’ll amass — great news for women, who are natural-born networkers and team builders. Kaputa’s advice: Make and keep friends. Ask others for help, ideas, and feedback. And continually grow your network of colleagues, advisors, and mentors.
4. Speak Up. Women routinely outscore men on oral and written tests because they instinctively tap both hemispheres of the brain — left and right — to process verbal, visual, and emotional stimuli. (Men tend to use only the left side of the brain.)
Kaputa’s advice: Ask great questions, listen with attunement, and hone your business conversation and presentation skills. Become known for being a master communicator in both speaking and writing.
5. Be inclusive. Choosing inclusion over exclusivity is an inherent female strength and a powerful advantage in today’s diverse, globalized workplace.
Kaputa’s advice: Commit to inviting as many perspectives as possible and extending goodwill to everyone — friends and foes. Cultivate strong alliances, and be loyal.
It IS tough out there right now, and this is a great guideline for those of us who are searching desperately for a career in these tough times.
I ran across an article which I immediately thought of as I was reading this post. Written by Francie Dalton, it is a very clever take on how women can rise above and find what we are looking for in this harsh economic climate. It is called Squirrel Sense.
Squirrels are ALWAYS facing intense competition amid threatening socioeconomic conditions. Much of what will equip us to succeed despite these challenging economic times can be discerned by observing their behaviors. They are:
1. Early risers
2. Highly industrious; endlessly striving
3. Not intimidated by those larger than they are
4. undaunted that the odds are stacked heavily against them
5. Not expectant of help from others; they take responsibility for themselves
6. Able to accomplish amazing feats because they’re willing to try what those who are smarter than they are believe to be impossible
7. Willing to turn themselves upside down to get what they need
8. Establishers of territory or niche, and are willing to be aggressive in defending it
9. Perpetually, keenly alert
10. Unconquerably persistent. When confronted by barriers, they find another way to win. They just never, Never, NEVER give up -
Experts are saying now is not the time to change careers-If you have a job try to keep it but sometimes that advice can not apply. It is hard to find a job let alone try to enhance a career right now but this article is an asset for those us looking to make a bigger impact within our professional lives.
These guidelines were reminiscent of an article written by Karen Post, “Losing your fear.
Finding your brand”
Here are Karen’s recommendations:
Five steps to get it right.
If it scares you, get excited.
If peers say, “Are you out of your mind?” say, “Yes!”
If your industry starts gossiping, send them a thank-you note.
If no one’s done it before, move faster.
If you think your brand distinction is your quality product or extra caring staff, read this article again.