Suze Orman's stylish campaign to take Diane's seat!
Yesterday I hung out backstage with Suze Orman after each of us spoke at the Pennsylvania Governor’s Conference for Women to a packed house of 5,000 in Philly.
I had never met her, but in just a few minutes she felt like my BFF! (A girl can dream, right?)
Suze and KT, her manager/partner, told me they were driving back to New York to catch up with their pals from the Oprah show who are in the city for a huge live show in Central Park this afternoon.
But before they took off, we talked about money and morning shows.
She’s getting a big kick out of watching the results of a TVNewser poll that names her as the leading contender to replace Diane in January on Good Morning America. Suze took me for a walk outside to find just the right spot to tell me how she really feels about the possibility of sitting next to Robin.
I whipped out my Flipcam to capture her campaign excitement.
Very cute clip. Way to sell it, Suze! Love the passion.
How creative! Way to go Suze! You sold me!!! Love the passion!
That would be interesting…
I love it.
I have read your books, and follow your financial advice all the time, but to replace Diane Sawyer? – don’t think you’re the right person = stick with the advice on money.
Really? The leading contender? No, sorry. Diane Sawyer’s position should not go to Suze. She is not a journalist. She hasn’t earned that spot. On another note, I think she needs to lower the dosage a little. Yikes.
I’m afraid Diane Sawyer has it all. Sorry Suze there is no match for Diane’s talent.
Suze is the big “O” (rman) the financial field as “O” prah is in her field, and Diane is tops in her field without being an “O” (unless it’s her blood type). Please let Diane continue to work her magic, and do not replace her unless it’s her idea to leave. Diane is an expert in her field, and I look forward to seeing her expertise on this network. Also, I love Suze, and as delightful as she is, I don’t want to see those same gold earrings every day! -
Everyone has their own special gifts. Suzy’s is her energetic passion and expertise in providing great financial advice. Please continue what you’re doing Suzy and stay away from the anchor desk. Although you have the talent to succeed at anything, I’m sure ABC can find a qualified journalist to replace Diane on GMA when she moves to the evening news.
How fun is that? Cute video!Really Now is that what you want to do? Think about finding a new show not trying to fill someone’s shoes. Of course YOU Can do IT!
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