Maria Bailey
Maria T. Bailey is an award-winning author, radio talk show host,
internationally known speaker and the foremost marketing authority on marketing to moms. She has been an invited presenter to Burger King, Coca Cola, Best Buy, General Mills, Buena Vista Entertainment, and many other major corporations.
Her book, “Marketing to Moms: Getting Your Share of the Trillion Dollar Market”
(2002, Prima) is the first to examine the buying power of mothers and the most effective
marketing initiatives to tap the $1.7 trillion market and is published in several languages.
Maria’s newest book, “Trillion Dollar Moms: Marketing to a New Generation of Mothers” (Dearborn, 2005) focuses on the emergence of Gen X and Gen Y moms and how they compare to Boomer Moms.
Maria has an audience of over 11 million moms a month. She is the host of Mom Talk Radio, a nationally syndicated radio show for moms, co-host of Doug Stephan’s “Good Day”, Founder/CEO of, the award winning Website for executive working mothers and host of The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV.
She is also the creator of Smart Mom Solutions, a product line that offers solutions to everyday challenges for busy moms. She has informed and entertained audiences around the globe with her passion and charisma.
She has presented at The International Direct Marketing Association Annual Conference,
The International Volunteerism Conference, The National Association of Industrial Psychology,
Alliance for Work/Life Professionals and many corporate sponsored seminars including
Noni International’s Woman’s Health Summit, Highlights-Jigsaw National Convention, Johnson & Johnson
and Southeast Toyota Lunch and Learn Series.
The mother of four young children, Ms. Bailey lives in Florida with her husband. She is a marathon runner and enjoys travel.
– The Art of Juggling: Balancing Family, Life, and Work
– Marketing to Moms: Getting Your Share of the Trillion Dollar Market
Maria Bailey has entertained, engaged and educated audiences around the globe. Her charasmatic style has made her a sought after keynote speaker as well as session facilitator.
She has been an invited speaker at companies such as Disney Global, Nestle, HP, Microsoft, Cartoon Network, Chuck E. Cheese and Office Depot. Maria has presented at industry conventions such as The American Diary Association, Produce Marketing Association, Bowling Alley Owners of America, Youth Marketing Conference, Marketing to Women and many more.
Rave Reviews
“In ten years of meetings, Maria Bailey was the best speaker we’ve ever had” Disney Executive
“We learned more in your one hour speech than we did the entire conference.” VP, Packaged Goods
“Maria Bailey not only was informative but she was entertaining. She kept us laughing the entire time we were learning.” SVP, Marketing Furniture Industry.