Lucy Rosen
When it comes to women and networking, Lucy Rosen does more than just “talk the talk” about the value of networking for businesswomen. She’s done something about it that few women can claim … and which continues to help hundreds of women across the country in their jobs each day.
Back in 1991, upon noting the lack of networking opportunities for professional women, Lucy founded Women on the Fast Track in New York City – a networking group devoted specifically to helping women throughout all industries “connect” with other professional women to form strategic alliances that could enhance their careers.
Before long, the organization (which started with six women) took off … and quickly began expanding on a national level. Today, with chapters of her group now in New York, Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New Mexico, Lucy continues to be Long Island’s “networking guru” – and one of the country’s most sought-after experts on how women can enhance their careers through the power of networking.
Through her groundbreaking work at Women on the Fast Track over the past 17 years, Lucy has continued to help thousands of women grow and nurture their own careers – all while nurturing and growing her own successful company — The Business Development Group.
A savvy businesswoman who has grown her firm into one of Long Island’s leading marketing/public relations agencies, Lucy has helped a wide variety of entrepreneurs, corporations and not-for-profit groups organizations develop and expand their businesses. In addition, through it all she has also balanced the demands of motherhood, serving as single mother to daughter Samantha, now 13.
The author of a series of business “how-to” booklets for women, Lucy is frequently interviewed by the media (including recent articles in Pink Magazine, Working Mother and an appearance on “Career Talk with Maggie Mistal”, a national radio show airing on Martha Stewart’s Sirius channel. In addition, she speaks to groups across the country about current issues in public relations, marketing and, of course, effective networking.
– Champagne Marketing on a Beer Budget
– 42 Tips to Free Publicity
– Now What? What to Do Once You’ve Found Your Big Idea
– Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Networking…(* But Were Afraid to Do)
– Networking: The Power of Your ‘Inside Circle of Ten’
– Why Doing Good Does Good For All – How Professionals Today Can Make a Difference
– Easy Marketing Strategies for Difficult Times
Lucy’s list of credentials — and enthusiastic referrals based on past speaking engagements — are extensive. But what truly makes Lucy a value-added speaker is her ability to engage her audience, and provide unique insight into the topics on the minds of so many professionals today.
Whether she’s offering a not-for-profit group “42 Tips for Free Publicity” to help in their fundraising efforts – or speaking to a group of sales executives or business professionals about how to put an effective networking plan in place to dramatically improve their bottom line, Lucy speaks from experience – and from the heart.
She speaks with candor, with confidence – and with commitment – about how people can enhance their professional lives –and her presentations have been proven to make a tremendous impact on thousands of professionals in all phases of their careers.
A mentor and role model for women and girls, Lucy’s leadership in this arena prompted her to be selected as a facilitator at a unique entrepreneurship program sponsored by Guardian Life Insurance. The program, called “Girls Going Places” was an inspirational leadership program for underprivileged girls ages 12 to 16.
In addition, she makes “giving back” an important part of her everyday life – working on a number of pro bono accounts, and being an active participant in numerous civic organizations and philanthropic activities.
Her important work has not gone unnoticed – in addition to being one of the area’s most sought-after speakers, she has been honored with a number of highly significant awards – including this year being named by Distinction Magazine as a 2008 “Woman of Distinction”, in recognition of her leadership in the Long Island business arena and overall contributions to the local community.
With her years of business experience, dynamic (and thought-provoking) presentation style and insight into the needs of today’s professionals, Lucy is sure to be a valuable addition to any organization and/or speaking engagement.
She speaks candidly, and with tremendous insight and experience, about topics of interest to women in all phases of their careers – and is a living testimonial as to what truly great networking can do for businesswomen looking to bring their careers to the next level.
Rave Reviews
“Lucy is that rare individual who not only motivates, but inspires. Her practical, no-nonsense approach to how to maximize networking opportunities made me realize some important steps I could be taking that could enhance my career – and I attribute many of my valuable new business contacts to the work of Lucy and Women on the Fast Track.”
“As a long-time member of Women on the Fast Track, I’ve experienced first-hand how Lucy impacts the lives of everyone she comes in contact with – whether it’s helping to arrange a business partnership that makes sense for both parties, or providing advice as to next steps for an entrepreneur to help them launch a business. There are some amazing ‘success stories’ that have come out of Women on the Fast Track … and so many women, like myself, can attest to the important role that Lucy has played in their lives.”
“I’ve worked with Lucy in many capacities – as a client, as a member of Women on the Fast Track, and as an audience member at a number of her presentations. Every time I meet with her, I come away with something that I didn’t know before about how to grow my business. In addition, I always come away energized with new ideas – and, more often than not, I come away with a valuable new business contact or two!
“These days, it’s really about the bottom line … and working with Lucy has provided me with the results that I need to continue to grow my business. Her business expertise and insight have provided me with some innovative ways to market my business during these tougher economic times, and I continue to value her guidance and expert counsel.”
“Lucy provides exactly the right mix of candor, charisma and confidence that makes her so enjoyable to listen to … and brings new life to a variety of business topics. She’s a visionary whose presentations truly stand out from the crowd, and she continues to be one of Long Island’s most requested speakers.”